Beauty Parlour

Love Your Body Monday: How to choose make up brushes

When you're just starting out on your make up journey, it's sometimes hard to know where to save and where to splurge - the base? the lipsticks? the brushes? How to fill your make up bag without wasting your hard earned cash (or pocket money)?  These are really hard question to answer. There are so many products… Continue reading Love Your Body Monday: How to choose make up brushes

Beauty Parlour

Make up that stays all day – Love Your Body Monday

Let's face it, we all want our make up to still look perfect after 10h at work. However, that's pretty much impossible, unless you're using really industrial-strength film/TV/stage make up (which would be a terrible idea and your complexion would hate you for it). But there are a few little tricks and products that will… Continue reading Make up that stays all day – Love Your Body Monday

Beauty Parlour

Love Your Body Monday: My 6 budget beauty favourites

I think all of us like a bit of luxury. A beautifully smelling body scrub, moisturiser in a thick glass jar or foundation that just glides on beautifully - don't know about you, but they can cheer me up on the worst of days. But we don't always have the budget for that, be it… Continue reading Love Your Body Monday: My 6 budget beauty favourites

Beauty Parlour

Love Your Body Monday: Confessions of a Fashion-phobic

Clothes have always existed in my life. I do not live in a climate warm enough to do without them. But they've never been in any way central to my life. I used to just put clothes on, ones that were mostly bought for me by my mom. When I got older, I obviously started… Continue reading Love Your Body Monday: Confessions of a Fashion-phobic

Beauty Parlour

Dear Clarisonic…

Dear Clarisonic, I had high hopes for our relationship. Before I bought you, I read numerous reviews, just to make sure that we could have a future together. I was sure we would. I was dreaming about you joining my beauty routine for weeks, if not months. When my parents offered to contribute towards buying… Continue reading Dear Clarisonic…

Beauty Parlour

Affordable beauty in London

The words affordable and London very rarely coexist in a single sentence, which really is quite sad, given that not all of us are multimillionaires (quite the contrary, most of us aren't). Being a student here, even one with a decent salary (or a good deal with the Bank of Mom and Dad), really isn't easy at times,… Continue reading Affordable beauty in London

Beauty Parlour

My journey to perfect skin care

There's a secret I keep well hidden from most people, under a well applied layer of Clarins Everlasting Foundation. This secret is my complexion or, more accurately, the 'battle scars', remnants of acne. Most teenagers get their faces hit by acne at some point in their lives. It's usually a phase which, although very annoying… Continue reading My journey to perfect skin care