Away from the Desk

Things to do in London: Sky Garden

You might or might not remember that one of the goals I set myself back in September was to learn to love London. I have to admit, I've been slacking a bit on this one, mostly because Mr Arguably Honest and I are massive lazy bums, and can't be bothered to do much on Sundays… Continue reading Things to do in London: Sky Garden

Away from the Desk, Foodie Adventures

Do you honestly love burgers?

It was November 2014. I had just moved to the UK for the second time (my first time was a failed attempt at being an Oxford student, which you can read more about here), and I was actively looking for a job. Given that the only education I had was a high school diploma (albeit… Continue reading Do you honestly love burgers?


Learn to love London and other goals for this year

If you're a true grown up, not a pretend one like myself, you're probably thinking that I'm either 3 months too early or 9 months too late with my new year resolutions. (If this thought makes you want to buy me a calendar, I will gladly accept your gift, thank you very much. ;)) But I'm still… Continue reading Learn to love London and other goals for this year

Beauty Parlour

Affordable beauty in London

The words affordable and London very rarely coexist in a single sentence, which really is quite sad, given that not all of us are multimillionaires (quite the contrary, most of us aren't). Being a student here, even one with a decent salary (or a good deal with the Bank of Mom and Dad), really isn't easy at times,… Continue reading Affordable beauty in London


Why do we glorify running around like a headless chicken?

"I'm sorry, I don't have time to see you this week, I'm too busy. Maybe next week, but after Wednesday?" Hands up, who said a variation of this phrase in the past few days? A few weeks? My hand is up. Guilty as charged. I study full time, work part time and occasionally want to… Continue reading Why do we glorify running around like a headless chicken?